Pros & Cons of Using AI in Marketing Content

Using AI in creating marketing content offers many benefits. It speeds up content creation, allowing marketers to produce a large volume of material such as email campaigns, content for social media, keywords for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and even blog articles. AI also personalizes content for different audience groups and improves engagement. Additionally, it can reduce costs compared to hiring multiple content creators.

However, there are drawbacks to using AI in this context. AI-generated content may lack the emotional approach and creativity that human writers offer. There are also ethical concerns, such as authenticity issues and potential plagiarism. Additionally, AI might not always understand the context of the content you are trying to create, leading to errors and affecting a brand’s reputation.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in different online businesses for its ability to analyze search engine data and generate content that matches current trends and consumer interests. In marketing, AI streamlines content creation, customizes strategies based on user data, and improves advertising with predictive analytics, adapting and learning from users’ actions.

However, relying on AI also presents different challenges. It can affect job opportunities as tasks become automated, and there may be concerns about the genuineness of AI-generated content that can potentially affect customer engagement and trust. Despite these issues, AI continues influencing online business practices and consumer interactions.

7 Different Types of AI Marketing Tools and Their Uses

Artificial Intelligence (AI) automates tasks, personalizes content, and provides insights to create more engaging and effective marketing campaigns.

Here are the most common types of AI marketing tools that different online businesses are using that can help you manage your digital platforms and grow your business:


ChatGPT is the most common and famous AI language model developed by OpenAI that can understand and create human-like text based on the input it receives. It’s used for creating different tasks, including answering questions, creating content, generating code, creating graphics, and giving advice and recommendations, making it a versatile tool for personal and professional use.

Pros: The model offers quick and diverse responses, can handle different topics, and improves productivity by handling tasks that would otherwise require human input.

Cons: ChatGPT may produce inaccurate or biased information and need help understanding context as acutely as a human, leading to inaccurate or oversimplified answers.

Jasper AI

Jasper AI (formally called Jarvis) is designed to assist in content creation, ranging from blog posts and articles to social media marketing content and email campaigns. It uses natural language processing to generate high-quality, original content based on user inputs and prompts.

Pros: The platform can save time and effort as it is mainly used to speed up the content creation process, allowing marketers, writers, and businesses to produce written content more efficiently and creatively. 

Cons: However, the content may sometimes lack the depth and personal touch a human writer can offer, and it requires careful review to ensure accuracy and relevance to your target audience.

Lexica Art

Lexica Art is an AI tool that generates and explores digital art, allowing users to create unique images and visuals based on textual prompts. It is a game-changer for artists, designers, and anyone interested in generating digital artwork without needing extensive artistic skills.

Lexica Art creates visually appealing images for digital media, art projects, and visual content creation, allowing for easy exploration of creative ideas.

Pros: It democratizes art creation, making it accessible to those without traditional art skills, and provides endless possibilities for creativity with minimal effort. Previously created AI-generated community pictures are searchable for reuse by others.

Cons: The AI-generated art may not always meet specific creative visions or nuances, and there can be limitations in expressing complex ideas precisely as intended.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a tool designed to help optimize website content for search engines, aiming to improve rankings and drive more organic traffic. It analyzes pages against top-performing competitors to provide actionable insights and recommendations for content enhancement.

This AI platform is used by digital marketers, content creators, and SEO professionals to refine their content strategy, ensuring that their pages are more likely to increase rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Pros: It offers data-driven guidance to optimize content effectively, potentially increasing website visibility, traffic, and engagement. It also integrates with Jasper AI.

Cons: Its effectiveness heavily depends on the user’s ability to provide information and recommendations correctly, and it might need a learning curve to understand and use all its features thoroughly. In other words, Surfer SEO might be a challenging platform to use for beginners.

Notion AI

Notion AI is an extension of Notion’s collaborative workspace platform. This type of AI is used to assist users in organizing notes, documents, and tasks more efficiently. It streamlines the process of managing information and project planning by automating and enhancing content creation within the app. Notion AI is like a ChatGPT built inside Notion.

Pros: Notion AI simplifies information management and boosts productivity by providing suggestions and automation.

Cons: The AI’s suggestions may not always align perfectly with user intentions, requiring manual adjustments, and its effectiveness can vary depending on the complexity of the task.


Grammarly is a digital writing tool that checks for grammar, punctuation, and errors, offering suggestions to improve the clarity and effectiveness of text. It operates across different platforms, including email, documents, and web content, to help users write more accurately and effectively.

Writers, students, and professionals mainly use Grammarly, including anyone whose goal is to enhance the quality of their written communication.

Pros: Grammarly helps avoid writing mistakes, improves sentence structure, checks possible plagiarism, and provides real-time feedback, making writing more professional.

Cons: It may not catch every error or understand the nuances of creative writing, and the premium features, which offer more in-depth analysis, require a subscription. At times, Grammarly can believe an error exists when it doesn’t.


ManyChat AI is a chatbot platform that enables businesses to automate customer conversations on social media, websites, and messaging apps. It helps engage customers, answer queries, and facilitate sales through automated messaging.

ManyChat AI is mainly used for customer service, marketing, and sales automation, allowing businesses to manage customer interactions without increasing their support staff.

Pros: It provides a user-friendly way to build and deploy chatbots to engage with customers’ immediate questions.

Cons: The platform’s effectiveness is limited by the complexity of the conversation it can handle, potentially requiring manual intervention to answer customer needs. In short, it can’t answer all customer questions.

AI Content Detection and Plagiarism

Technology and digital marketing are part of our daily lives in today’s digital era. Everything is easy to access and find. Developers have created different types of AI tools to simplify our lives. However, this convenience sometimes leads to overreliance, causing individuals and businesses to misuse AI, which can damage their reputation.

Leveraging AI for content creation in marketing and business is beneficial. But you must remember that AI might not always provide authentic and accurate information. To maintain creativity and relevance for specific topics and audiences, it’s advisable to use AI moderately and avoid becoming overly dependent.

If there is an AI tool for content creation, there are also AI tools that can detect whether your content is genuinely made. Originality AI is one example of a tool that can detect AI-generated content and plagiarism.

Originality AI is used by content creators, marketers, and many educational institutions to verify the authenticity of written material and maintain the integrity of their content. However, just like a typical AI, the downside is that there could be instances where it inaccurately flags original content as AI-generated.

Tips on How to Properly Use Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI can either make our lives easier or harder. It depends on how you use it. AI might have a lot of benefits that you can take advantage of, but abusing it can result in serious consequences.

To properly use different AIs, you need to research and follow best practices. Here are the tips on how to properly use Artificial Intelligence (AI):

  1. Set Clear Goals: Decide what you want to achieve with AI, like better customer service or data analysis. Clear goals help choose the right AI tool.
  2. Know AI’s Strengths and Limits: Understand what AI can and can’t do. This helps set realistic goals and find an AI that fits your business needs.
  3. Use Good Data: Good AI needs good data. Make sure your data is accurate and varied to train your AI well.
  4. Keep User Experience in Mind: Many people can notice if you use AI to engage or create content to market your products and services. Always proof your work for natural language style, as you don’t want your copywriting to be robotic.
  5. Follow Ethical Guidelines: Be aware of ethical issues with AI, like privacy and bias.
  6. Follow the Rules and Regulations: Know and follow any rules and regulations about using AI in different fields, especially for data privacy.
  7. Maintain Your AI: Regularly check and update your AI to keep it working well.
  8. Train Your Team: Teach your staff about the different types of AI. This helps them use AI effectively in your business.
  9. Watch How AI is Doing: Keep an eye on your AI’s performance and be ready to make changes if needed.
  10. Start Small: Begin with small AI projects to understand their impact on your business, then slowly expand.


In conclusion, using AI in marketing content offers both opportunities and challenges. AI enhances the efficiency of content creation, providing personalized content and reducing operational costs. This technological advancement allows marketers to keep up with the fast-paced digital marketing industry to ensure their content is relevant and engaging for different audience groups. On the other hand, the reliance on AI for content creation creates issues such as a possible lack of emotional depth and creativity, alongside ethical concerns like authenticity and potential plagiarism.

It’s clear that while AI can be a powerful tool in the marketing industry, it needs to be used wisely and responsibly. Balancing AI-driven efficiency with the human touch in content creation ensures the content remains relatable and genuine. Additionally, staying informed about AI capabilities and limitations can help marketers navigate the complexities of digital content strategies. Ultimately, the goal should be to leverage AI to complement human creativity, not replace it, creating an online environment where technology and human insight work hand-in-hand to create compelling content.